Why am I doing this? wondered both. Why break the established order by their mourning with him, just for him?
An answer to this question was obviously the sex, but was not the only - otherwise they would have done so much earlier, knew better.
No, so the aim was to enjoy di tutti i vantaggi offerti dal sesso – strategie di conquista, intimità, orgasmo, sigaretta post-coitale, ritorno ai piaceri, ecc. – ma soprattutto ciò che importava loro era il restituirgli un senso che potesse avvicinarsi a quello che entrambi avevano vissuto fino a quel momento: l’amore.
Sia Matthew sia Brian si sentivano ancora innamorati di una persona che sapevano di non poter più riavere indietro, ed esclusivamente per colpa loro. Questo sentimento fantasma li aveva posseduti per molti mesi ed aveva ridotto l’uno al fatalismo esasperato e all’inappetenza, other at a nearly constant physical and mental fatigue and an almost total alienation from the world around him. Both were beginning to suffer more for this continuous rather than feel bad for the losses they had suffered and the disgust they felt for themselves. The desire for atonement coward was slowly making way to the desire to find a little solace and peace - just for a short period of time, of course: just not to go crazy.
After they started, because that pain was the least they deserved, if they were both repeated ad nauseum.
Hence they sought an illusion - something pleasant, fleeting and not true - but not the same illusion. So different, indeed, how could it be otherwise? The similarity ends with the common need of the act to realize their desires. And that was enough.
Matthew was trying to replace them; Brian forgotten.
Yes, I'm reading Kundera. Yes, if you would dear Milan could easily quote me for plagiarism. No, I do not care XD.
I have written, erased and rewritten again the chapter four times, this should be the opening words of the final. Indeed, it is because they are weary labored so much XD Never write down a few pages. Those two are killing me, but they are also giving me lots of satisfaction. I feel that WBM is the best thing I ever wrote * it flatters painfully alone *
PS that has nothing to do with the above: Ibra has just taken a double pole if he had placed there would not be successful.
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