Sunday, December 2, 2007

Teacher Forms Before A Parent Conference

Reagali early Christmas!

time since I do not write more about my LJ !
Today remedy.
So what happened to me again in this last few days ..... I was sick three days with a fever, too few, then I made an interesting encounter in the shop where I always take her aunt to spending .... and do I meet a guy from the air dark bold enough to make me blush, it's been a long long time since I came across a guy who could get me to lower my eyes at a glance, though I hope to never again (although I'm afraid of you) I do not like to feel in awe!
On another crazy spending this month!
I made a personal gift, two radios, one for me one for my friend Shina, we live close to one o'clock on the other, we always see, or feel more via SMS or via chat but was not enough and here found a way, walkie-talkies with a range of 5 km! Brilliant is not it?!
Not to keep them always on and drain the batteries we make a phone call with the phone first, what is the signal to turn on radios, it's funny, we were given code names and if we can not speak of things too private because there are people next to us the indiscreet use that SPOILER NO, or if the field is spoiler free.
Also new this month is my early Christmas present from Aunt Auntie! My new PC, a laptop, I wanted to buy on its own but as soon as my aunt has offered to ragalarmelo I could not refuse. I was told not to exceed € 1000 and I did not say so, I stayed for just one euro in 1000, when it says the class is not water!
Saturday I went to order it and pick it up Monday afternoon I go, I'm not the most emotion in the skin, it will be my second PC, the first, I am still using this old man who is ten years old, is an antique that despite all the anger that made me call is still alive with all his ailments.
Throughout his long life has changed names several times, was treasurer at the beginning, when I was angered BASTARD, aging has been named Crock, now being jealous (my old pc is giving checkmate ) and because I want him and I do not want to die I renamed at the suggestion of Shi, Jacken! And now it seems to have taken a bit of life.
Honor to praise the young old, Shi always helped me to find a new name to the PC and the choice after a long consultation ended on Kisuke, cute right?!
I look forward to having the arms Kisuke is so beautiful and modern! A real dandy my baby!
enough for today with my delirium, the next post will be done with the new super computer!


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