The breath of a room mirror my
I get up from a bed of petals, I leave a room that smells of flowers, breathing like a man, flying in the air and who knows where the wind takes you.
I get from this kingdom ruled by the humble eyes, to be imbued with love hearts, protected by strong hands, united in simple gestures, intended to collect drops of truth.
I walk away from this house for a walk in sister looking for me.
I stand with the features of the warrior and the heart of a fairy, with my sword and my shield; a step, then another, as I observe with sadness that painting and everything is trembling around me.
I move away from what I have always loved you, from everything that I groped for the road, to find my way, a street with a heart.
Even with pain I've seen, up there in the mountains, the soul of this woman to feel lost, afraid to fail. Today my eyes have removed the roots from a haven of harmony, but now my weak voice say goodbye to this beauty and I pray that may rise again.
Thank you all for everything you have learned donarmi.Grazie to Madeleine and her dream.
With love will carry you in my heart.
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